Starting a Pact plan

With a Pact plan, you can enjoy amazing coffee, delivered. Plans are tailored to your taste preferences and there are no pesky commitments - order as much or as little as you like.

Looking for specific information? Jump to the relevant section below:

Choosing your roast


Recommended for filter coffee drinkers.


Recommended for Espresso machine or Bean to Cup machine drinkers.


All the taste, without the caffeine. Recommended for any brew method.


Recommended for filter coffee drinkers.


Recommended for Espresso machine or Bean to Cup machine drinkers.


All the taste, without the caffeine. Recommended for any brew method.

Grind size

Your grind size is all down to your brewing method. If you brew with a V60 you’ll want a medium grind, whereas if you have an espresso machine, you’ll want a fine grind.

Wholebean icon

Bean to cup machine or alternative grinder.

Fine icon

Espresso or coffee machine.

Medium-fine icon

AeroPress, Stovetop, Mokapot.

Medium icon Medium icon

V60, Drip coffee, Chemex.

Coarse icon

Cafetiere, Cold brew, Clever dripper.

Coffee range

At Pact, we offer 3 different coffee options depending on your individual preferences and budget.

At Pact, we offer 3 different coffee options depending on your individual preferences and budget.

House icon

Best for: Speciality coffee on a budget.

Price: £8.95 per bag.

Are you a creature of habit? If so, our House range is perfect for you. You’ll receive the same chocolatey tasting coffee with each delivery.

Select icon

Best for: Variety and choice.

Price: £9.95 per bag.

We switch up our Select menu regularly, so there will always be something new to try. You can even rate your coffees to make sure you only ever receive coffee tastes you love.

Micro-Lot icon

Best for: Adventurous palettes.

Price: £11.95 per bag.

Our Micro-Lot coffee is the most premium option. This is because the coffee is rare, scores exceptionally high and contains unique and unusual flavour notes.


Best for: Speciality coffee on a budget.

Price: £8.95 per bag.

Are you a creature of habit? If so, our House range is perfect for you. You’ll receive the same chocolatey tasting coffee with each delivery.


Best for: Variety and choice.

Price: £9.95 per bag.

We switch up our Select menu regularly, so there will always be something new to try. You can even rate your coffees to make sure you only ever receive coffee tastes you love.


Best for: Adventurous palettes.

Price: £11.95 per bag.

Our Micro-Lot coffee is the most premium option. This is because the coffee is rare, scores exceptionally high and contains unique and unusual flavour notes.

Did you know? We also offer monthly Limited Edition coffees. These releases are not available on Pact plans but can be purchased through our online shop. Our Limited Editions feature some of the most groundbreaking and exciting coffees on the planet.

Did you know? We also offer monthly Limited Edition coffees. These releases are not available on Pact plans but can be purchased through our online shop. Our Limited Editions feature some of the most groundbreaking and exciting coffees on the planet.

Choosing your first coffee

It’s time for the fun part - choosing your first coffee. To help you decide, we’ve provided a handy glossary of the terms we use to describe our coffee below.

It’s time for the fun part - choosing your first coffee. To help you decide, we’ve provided a handy glossary of the terms we use to describe our coffee below.

What happens once I create a plan?

Once you create a plan, you’ll be able to take advantage of all the great benefits of Pact Coffee on demand.

Once you create a plan, you’ll be able to take advantage of all the great benefits of Pact Coffee on demand.

Ready to create a plan?